Conejo & LocalRoofs are teaming up!
Conejo Heating, Air, Plumbing and Electrical has provided white-glove service inside your home for more than four decades. Now they’re helping take care of the outside of your home too.
When’s the last time you got up on your roof? Not sure what’s happening, but suspect there could be problems?
Throughout July and August, Conejo Heating, Air, Plumbing and Electrical customers can get a no-charge roof diagnostic and recommendations from LocalRoofs PLUS $100 off a roof tune-up or other service from LocalRoofs.
Call us now to schedule your FREE roof diagnostic and estimate, and get $100 off when you purchase a roof tune-up or other roofing or gutter-related service from LocalRoofs.
(Learn more about what to expect with your free roof checkup appointment.)
Take care of any problems now before they turn into something costly.
Conejo CSLB #536465 | LocalRoofs CSLB #1095477
$100 off
Roof tune-Up
Conejo Valley Home Services customers can get a no-charge roof diagnostic and recommendations from LocalRoofs PLUS $100 off wa roof tune-up or other roofing or gutter-related service from LocalRoofs.
Expires 8/31/24
LocalRoofs CSLB #1095477
Get A
Solar assessment
A LocalRoofs roofing specialist will evaluate your energy usage and the condition of your roof to design a comprehensive solar shingles roofing system tailored to your home and current and anticipated energy needs. Assessments consist of aerial roofing reports, in-person inspection, and evaluation of your current energy usage and future needs. Flexible financing available. Appointments typically last 2-2.5 hours.
Expires 8/31/24
LocalRoofs CSLB #1095477
Conejo CSLB #536465